July, 2012

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Wednesday 1 August

Can you believe it August team!? I’ve said this already in the last week, but again I am so pumped on your regular attendance, hard work and unbelievable progress! This Saturday Myself, Blake, Dirk, Nath DJ and Hine are all competing at the Waitakere CrossFit comp. Please come along and support us! The more of you to scream at us the better. The address is 6 View Road Henderson. Here is the first WOD of the comp (It’s a Hero WOD):

 ’JEREMY’ 21 – 15 – 9 Overhead (45/30kg) squats and burpees. INT will be doing 30/20kg and BEG will do Front squats at 30/20kg

RX – Wykie, Blake and Hine      INT – Dirk and Nath DJ

Todays Workout:

Gymnastics skill: Pistol squat

Details at GymnasticsWOD

Details at GymnasticsWOD




21 – 15 – 9

Overhead (45/30kg) squats


INT will be doing 30/20kg overhead squats

BEG will do Front squats at 30/20kg



Tuesday 31 July


Push up


5 Rounds for time:

5m Handstand walk

10 Burpee Toes to bar

*Scale Handstand walk with 2 wall climbs or 5 kick ups.

Monday 30 July


I’ve been so inspired by the Olympic Gymnast this week, I thought we’ll dedicate this weeks training to our gymnastic skills. We’ll spend loads of time on the rings and on the pull up bars this week. Also get ready for loads of hollow rocks

Ladies only 8 week program

Starting on the 7th of August is a 8 week ladies program. Sessions will be on Tuesdays and Fridays at 9:30am. It’s free for current members to join, so if you are able to make a mid morning session come join us! Otherwise if you know of any ladies in your life that might be interested, the cost will be $240 for the 8 weeks – 2 sessions a week.

andBasics intro program

The next 3 week intro program will kick off on Monday the 6th of August. If you know anyone that is keen to check out CrossFit get them signed up!


In pairs or a group of three, complete the following for time:

175 Double unders (*KB iron cross, 8/4kg)

150 Air squats (*wall sit)

125 Hollow Rocks (*Plank)

100 Push ups (*Press up locked out hold)

75 Pull ups (*Plate hold, 20/10kg plate in each hand)

50 ring dips (*L hang)

25 Burpees (*Wall handstand)

*Only one person working at any one time. Your partner must hold the position outlined in brackets while you work. If your partner drops out of the position, you are forced to stop working.)

Congrats to Harley who got engaged on Saturday!





Saturday 28 July

Goodluck to Blake and Hine for this weekends Level1 Crossfit cert at CrossFit NZ. You guys will love it!
Join us at the NZ fitness expo after open gym today at the ASB showgrounds. There is going to be a CrossFit show in the midst of all the bodybuilding stalls. Will be awsome!

For time:
30 GHD sit-ups
100kg/60kg Deadlift, 30 reps
30 Double-unders
45kg/30kg Overhead squat, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups

Friday 27 July

The NZ Fitness Expo is on Saturday. We’ll be going there after open gym. There is a CrossFit competition on with the best athletes in NZ competing against each other. Its $18 entry – I’ve got $4 discount vouchers if you want to grab one, not much but better than nothing ;)


20min to find 1RM Thruster


30 Burpee box jumps for time

Thursday 26 July

Workout for today:

Team run up Mt Eden

Wednesday 25 July


Weighted pull ups and push ups

With a running clock for 16min, perform 5 strict, weighted (or body weight/band ) pull ups on the even minutes and 5 weighted push ups on the odd minutes. Score = total weight lifted.


10min AMRAP

10min AMRAP
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatch

Compare to 3rd Feb.

Tuesday 24 July – Filthy fifty

You guys are awesome around the cage, and I don’t see much of the above video in the cage. A couple I have notices at times is the ‘too fast to care’ and ‘the ghost rider’. If this is you – sort it out


Filthy Fifty

For time:
50 Box jump (60/50cm)
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings (16/12kg)                                                                                           Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press (20/15kg)
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots (10/6kg)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Compare to the 11th of January

Happy birthday Libby Faris!

Monday 23 July

Keen to get a muscle up? Here is some great advise from Fitness Lonnie…


Muscle up


15min AMRAP


200m run

10 hang squat cleans(45/30)

10 SDHP (45/30)

10 abmat situp