September, 2012
now browsing by month
Monday 10 September
Photos from the early days…
Sumo Deadlift
5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
21 – 15 – 9
Toes to Bar
Double Unders
*If you cannot do double unders, do tuck jumps
Sat 8 Sep
Photos from the early days…
With a single 2 pood kettlebell:
21 Turkish get-ups, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Left arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Turkish get-ups, Left arm
Two rounds for time of:
130kg/80kg Deadlift, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 60/50cm
24 Wallball shots, (9/6kg)
87.5kg/52.5kg Bench press, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 60/50cm
24 Wallball shots, 2(9/6kg)
65/40kg Clean, 24 reps
Friday 7 September
Photo’s from the early days…
5 Rounds for time
30m Bear crawl
30m Standing broad-jump
+3 Burpees after every 5 Broad-jumps
Thursday 6 September
Photo’s from the early days…
5 rounds
Handstand walk 5m / 5 Skin the cats
3 rounds for time
15 power snatch
15 bar facing burpees
RX- 50/35kg
INT- 35/25kg
BEG- 25/15kg
Wednesday 5 September
Box Squat
5 – 5 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 1
10min AMRAP
5 chest to bar pullups
10 Get ups (roll to squat)
5 ring dips
10 burpees
Tuesday 4 September
We’ll have a look at some of the photos and videos of the early andfit days in the lead up to the 1st Bday! Here is the cage day 1 of class believe it or not. Just a few med balls, boxes and 4 kettlebells.
5 Hang Power cleans on the minute for 10min. Choose a challenging weight and stick with it for all 10 rounds.
21 – 15 – 9
Wall Balls
Push Ups
Sit Ups (ab mat)
Monday 3 September
It will be andfit’s 1st Birthday on the 4th of October. Please save the afternoon of Saturday the 6th of October in your diary as we’ll be having drinks and nibbles to celebrate. Then on the following Monday 8 October we’ll be kicking off our 8 week NO BREAD (this is an umbrella term that will include a bunch of things not just bread (-: ) challenge. This is going to be an awesome 8 weeks. We’ll be taking a bunch of measurements and will be doing a few benchmark workouts at the start and again at the end of the challenge. The big prize will be announced a bit closer to the time.
Every minute for 10min do 5 heavy unbroken Jerks. They can be push jerks or split jerks. We will not be using squat racks, the bar needs to be cleaned from the ground to start the jerks (clean can be a power clean or a squat clean). Choose a weight that is challenging for 5 reps and stick with the weight for all 10 rounds.
21 – 15 – 9
Box jump
KB snatch (24/16kg)