January, 2013
now browsing by month
Friday 11 January
Find 5RM Push Press
500n Double unders for time
Do 10 burpees every 50 double unders.
- Int: 200 or 300 double unders (do 10 burpees every 20 or 30 double unders)
- Beg: 500n Singeles (10 burpees every 50 singles)
Thursday 10 January
Find 5 rm o/h squat
Pair vs pair 12min AMRAP
Sled push
*pair 1 max rounds of cindy
*pair 2 40m sled push (100/60kg)
Wednesday 9 January
So good to see everyone back in the cage again, and those who are back next week we cant wait to have you back!
Now as we’re sure you’ve realized, we cover a massive variety of movements in CrossFit – its constantly varied. To get regular exposure to the large amount of movements we cover you really need to get in the cage a minimum of 3 times per week. To get the most out of the program and to hit all three of our key areas – metabolic conditioning, gymnastics and weight lifting you should be coming in 4-5 times per week. We know this seems like a lot of sessions but hey we want to make fitness part of our lifestyle don’t we? And we can assure you that the sessions are well planned and programmed so that you don’t hit the same movements back to back or over train. If you want to know more about how we program and what our structure looks like please talk to Coach.
The reason we don’t do tiered memberships but instead allow all members unlimited access to classes is so that you can get in here 3-5 times a week – the way the CrossFit program is intended to work.
Make it a goal this year to get in the cage no less than 3 times a week and watch what happens!
Find 5rm Squat clean (tap n go)
5 rounds for time
7 High Hang Squat Snatches 75/45
9 Box Jumps
Tuesday 8 January
Monday 7 January
Member profile: Doug Maarschalk
Master double unders and Ring muscle ups. Increase intensity in WOD’s (no resting).
Saturday 5 January
I love Adrian Bozman! He took me through my level 1 Crossfit Certification. Absolute champion.
Complete as many rounds in 25 minutes
7 muscle ups
11 thrusters (70/45kg)
14 toes to bar
*Scale muscle ups with 7 Ring Dips.
Friday 4 January
For Time:
50 Double unders, then….
100 Kettle bell swings (32kg/24 kg)
On the minute penalty:
10 Double unders
Thursday 3 January
I’m gonna start talking to you guys like this guys is talking to the class… NOT! Wow I can hardly make out what he is on about. He does have some good points on the rope climb though
For time:
50 Medicine ball cleans
Rope climb, 5 ascents
40 Medicine ball cleans
Rope climb, 4 ascents
30 Medicine ball cleans
Rope climb, 3 ascents
20 Medicine ball cleans
Rope climb, 2 ascents
10 Medicine ball cleans
Rope climb, 1 ascent