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3 April shoulders

Happy Birthday Doug W!

Shoulder Press
5. 5. 5. 5. 5.

Choose one of the following excercises:
HSPU, C2B Pull ups, Clap press Ups.

Do 1 rep in the first minute, 2 reps in the second minute, 3 reps in the third minute and so on. Keep adding a rep every minute untill you can no longer complete the required reps in the given minute.

Lets start the strength 2 April


Julian showing great control with the 32kg bell

7 week strength cycle

There are three main modalities that we make use of: Metabolic conditioning (Cardio), Gymnastics (body weight movements) and Weightlifting (Strength and Power). The extend at which we progress through and are successful at these modalities are significantly impacted by our nutrition and we test and enjoy the fitness we gain in the gym by playing various sports.

On Saturday the 5th of May we’ll put some special focus on the element that is capable of changing your body and performance most – NUTRITION.

Starting today though, we’re going to do a 7 week strength cycle. The aim is that after the 7 weeks everyone will have a good handle on these movements: Back Squat, Overhead Squat, Front Squat, Clean, Snatch, Shoulder press and Bench press. Not only will you come away with a good understanding of how to do the movements, but you will establish some benchmark weights to work from. I cant wait to see how you all improve as we work through this cycle.

Now I can already hear the ladies: “… Strength training? I dont want big muscles!” Rest assure girls, you will not bulk up and loose your neck. I often get told by people (often females) that they want to tone up. Here is how toning happens: You gain some muscle (muscle is firm and takes up little space) and you loose some fat (fat is flabby and takes up lots of space). Strength training assists in this process, and even though you do gain some muscle, that muscle will be taking up less ‘space’ than the fat that use to be in that place leaving you leaner and ‘toned’. And while I’m on this topic girls, us men try very hard to gain muscle by drinking protein shakes and eating loads of meat and we still find it a challenge. Your bodies have a much lower ability to grow muscle due to a lack of testosterone. Hope this helps.

Lastly, strenght is incredibly important for enjoying a long and mobile life, and a lack of strenght and muscle mass is the reason why people become imobile and dependent on others to look after them in old age. So lets start the STRENGTH!


Front Squat

5  5  5  5  5


8min AMRAP

8 Push ups

10 Med Bal Cleans

12 Sit ups

Final Open WOD March 29

WOD 12.5

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following rep scheme:
45/25kg Thruster, 3 reps
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
45/25kg Thruster, 6 reps
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
45/25kg Thruster, 9 reps
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
45/25kg Thruster, 12 reps
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
45/25kg Thruster, 15 reps
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
45/25kg Thruster, 18 reps
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
45/25kg Thruster, 21 reps
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups…

This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.

Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet sets Crossfit Fran Ladder record from CrossFit Hoboken on Vimeo.

Details at GymnasticsWOD

Snatch March 28

Dan 2



1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1


3 rounds for reps
30 sec on 30 sec off
Box jumps
Double Unders
KB Swings

You will move through the workout as follows: 30sec of box jumps, 30 sec rest, 30 sec of double unders, 30 sec rest etc.

Score = total reps at the end of the 3 rounds


RX- 60/50cm box, KB-24/16kg
INT- 50/40cm box, KB- 20/12kg
BEG- 40/30cm box, KB- 16/8kg

Bench press March 27

Luke Oh Squat


Bench press 5 – 5 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 1


Chest to bar Pull ups




Press Up

Sit Up

Over head squating March 26

doug and alana


O/H Squat 5 x 5


5min AMRAP

5 O/H Squat

10 KB Snatches


RX – 50/30kg OH Squat, 24/16kg KB Snatch

INT – 35/20kg OH Squat, 16/12kg KB Snatch

BEG – 20/12.7kg OH Squat, 12/8kg KB Snatch


andfit open wod 5 March 22



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots, 9/6kg ball
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

Scale 1

150 Wall ball shots, 9/6kg ball
90 Double-unders (360 singles)
30 Ring dips

Scale 2

150 Wall ball shots, 9/6kg ball
90 Double-unders (360 singles)
30 Push ups

Details at GymnasticsWOD

Thrust & Muscle up 21 March



Muscle up


9-6-3 reps for time of:
70/50kg Thruster


9-6-3 reps for time of:
70/50kg Thruster (or 50/30kg)
Pull up and ring dips

Get up and run 20 March


Skill: Muscle up


Five rounds for time of:
Turkish Get-up, 20/12kg barbell, 21 reps
Run 400 meters