We all hate burpies – so here is the second WOD of the AndFit open:
7min AMRAP
Then: Mobility / skill work
Check out the below videos for some advise and inspiration
1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
Compare to the 3rd of Feb
7 Rounds for time:
5 Pull ups
10 Box jumps (50/40cm)
15 Swings (24/16kg)
]]>7 rounds for time:
Run 200m
7 Front Squats (80/60kg)
60 second rest
]]>Coach Dan
Complete as many reps as posible at each of the stations. You will have 2 minutes per station with no rest between excercises.
We will do 3 rounds of the workout with a 1 minute break between rounds.
Station 1: Ring press ups
Station 2: Stationary jump lunges
Station 3: Shoot throughs (45cm box)
AndFit Open
The world wide CrossFit Games start in only 3 days! The first stage of the competition is called the ‘Open’. This is a five week online compitition and we’re going to take casual participation by having our own 5 week Andfit Open. Each week for 5 weeks a workout will be released on the Games site – games.crossfit.com. You will have 2 opportunities during the week to come in and do the ‘Games’ workout – at any of the Thursday sessions and on Saturday mornings. I’ve created a members only page – Andfit Open 2012. To access this page you need a password which I will give to you all at the sessions this week. On this page I will post the results of all those taking part from our gym, some results from other NZ competitors and some of the top athletes scores around the world. The first ‘Games’ WOD will be this Thursday, so make a big effort to get in the Cage and take part. Its going to be lots of fun, and as always the workouts will be scaleable for all abilities. Lastly make sure you check out the articles and videos on the CrossFit Games site games.crossfit.com, its inspirational!
]]>TABATA Double unders
3 rounds
800m Run
50 sit ups
50 Push press (30/20)
]]>Wall plank: 3 rounds
10 sec -10sec rest
20sec – 20sec rest
30sec – 30sec rest
4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 12 / 8 / 4
1 arm KB swings (16/24kg)
Hang power clean (20/30kg)
Buy out: 3min Plank
30 Clean & Jerks for time (60/40kg)
In pairs perform the following 20min AMRAP
Buy in of 100 KB SDHP (24/16kg)
(Partner 1) 20 BB Traveling Lunges 30/20kg
(Partner 2) 40 Air Squats
(Partner 2) 20 BB Traveling Lunges 30/20kg
(Partner 1) 400m Run
“You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.”
- Henry David Thoreau
Run 400m
30 Box Jumps (60/50cm)
30 Wall Ball 9/6kg
Five Rounds
The class split into groups of 2 or 3. The task: Get through a deck of cards. Suit denotes exercise, number on card = reps. Except for Hearts, 1×400m for each card.
The exercises;
Clubs = Kettlebell swing (24/16)
Diamonds = B/B Clean & jerk (40/30)
Spades = Sit up
Hearts = Run 400
Joker = 20 burpies