Member profile: Doug Maarschalk
Master double unders and Ring muscle ups. Increase intensity in WOD’s (no resting).
7 rounds for time:
Run 200m
7 Front Squats (80/60kg)
60 second rest
]]>TABATA Double unders
3 rounds
800m Run
50 sit ups
50 Push press (30/20)
In pairs perform the following 20min AMRAP
Buy in of 100 KB SDHP (24/16kg)
(Partner 1) 20 BB Traveling Lunges 30/20kg
(Partner 2) 40 Air Squats
(Partner 2) 20 BB Traveling Lunges 30/20kg
(Partner 1) 400m Run
“You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.”
- Henry David Thoreau
Run 400m
30 Box Jumps (60/50cm)
30 Wall Ball 9/6kg
Five Rounds
The class split into groups of 2 or 3. The task: Get through a deck of cards. Suit denotes exercise, number on card = reps. Except for Hearts, 1×400m for each card.
The exercises;
Clubs = Kettlebell swing (24/16)
Diamonds = B/B Clean & jerk (40/30)
Spades = Sit up
Hearts = Run 400
Joker = 20 burpies
]]>hill run / 20 hang power cleans (40/20kg) / 20 Burpies / 20 box jumps / hill run
90sec rest
6min AMRAP
hill run / 20 hang power cleans (40/20kg) / 20 Burpies / 20 box jumps / hill run
90 sec rest
For time (12min cap)
hill run / 20 hang power cleans (40/20kg) / 20 Burpies / 20 box jumps / hill run
Compare to 10 November 2011
Tabata Hollow rock
20min AMRAP
10 KB Cleand & Jerk (16/24kg)
20 Double unders (60 singles)
30 Squats
Hill run
]]>Run 5k
“If you have nothing else to do, look about you and see if there isn’t something close at hand that you can improve! It may make you wealthy, though it is more likely that it will make you happy.”
- George Matthew Adams
Brad put up a great fight with FRAN but ended up on his back like we all do
Saturday open gym
run 400m
21 Swings (16/24kg)
12 Pull ups
3 Rounds for time