Only 1 session today guys – 8am
Thurster 42.5kg/30kg
Rest = athlete dropping the bar or standing still for longer than 2 sec doing burpees.
*Rest periods can not be longer than 10 seconds then athlete have to continue with at least 1 rep before a rest can be taken again.
]]>Coach during the 1km sand bag run at the Auckland Games. I did pass both those boys
Cool man. You went RX for Fran. Awesome job, we’re all so proud of you! Too bad no one got to see you finish because you took 23 minutes and everyone went home.
Every WOD you do, has an appropriate stimulus in mind. Weather it be hard & fast or slow and grueling there is always, always an intended stimulus. If you scale the workout wrong – go to heavy and it takes to long, or go to light and get through it too quick, you’ve missed the intended response that workout was meant to produce. 17 minute “Annie”. 50 second “Grace”. 2 minute “Amanda”. If these numbers sound horribly, horribly wrong to you, it’s because they probably are.
Greg Glassman (Founder & CEO of CrossFit Inc.) was once asked how he came up with the Prescription (RX) for workouts. Greg based the prescription for his WOD’s around weights that would give a 85kg fit male a brutally awesome workout. And eventually, women’s weights were based off 66% of the males. So, are you a 85kg hunk of meat & muscle? Or are you a little on the heavy side with only 4 months of CrossFit under your belt? Remember, hitting WOD’s RX is an awesome goal to strive to achieve, so don’t let your ego get in the way of your safety & mechanics.
On the other hand, do you find yourself finishing workouts, with barely a bead of sweat on your forehead? Are you finishing WOD’s 8 minutes before anyone else, surrounded in plates that you’ve taken off your barbell? You may be suffering from a common condition that called “Bitching It”. Symptom’s include, using light weights that don’t challenge you, scaling movement’s to make them easier & most commonly, not putting in 100%. This is the other end of the RX scale. Sure, you may not be able to hit some WOD’s RX, that’s cool. But that doesn’t mean that you need to scale every movement & weight under the sun, just to avoid a little ‘Hard Work’.
And if ever you are in doubt about what weight you should be using, or how you can scale your WOD, always ask one of our ridiculously good looking & knowledgeable Coaches to give you a hand.
From now on we’ll be telling you how long the WOD is suppose to take, and we’ll help you scale appropriately to achieve that time domain eg. FRAN is suppose to be a hard and fast 3-7 minute WOD, HELEN is meant to be a 7-12min WOD and NANCY a 12-20min.
a) Split Jerk
2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2
*Alternating legs for the double
b) Team WOD (3 per team)
15min AMRAP
Partner 1 runs 200m
Partner 2 Holds the plank
Partner 3 Burpees
*The runner goes into burpees, the person doing burpees moves on to the plank and the person holding the plank goes for a run.
*Score = total burpees done.
]]>Lets break the NO BREAD Challenge in style – PIZZAS AND BEER! Team on Saturday the 1st of December we’ll be meeting at Macs Brewbar 23-27 Nuffield Street Newmarket at 6:30pm for dinner. We’ll then head up to the tenpin bowling place in Newmarket to show of our skill and apply the fitness we’ve gained at 8pm (accuracy, balance, speed and power are all part of the 10 physical components of CrossFit). Please email me or put your name on the whiteboard in the gym by Friday if you want to join us for tenpin bowling. Looking forward to beating you all!
Gymnastics skill:
Ring plank 5×5
5 – 5 – 5 - 3 – 3 – 3
For time perform
100 Swings (24/16kg)
50 Burpees.
*You can partition the reps as you like.
The Deadlift. What an amazing movement! It use to be called the health lift. Doing this lift properly will literally save your life. Nothing teaches the hamstrings, glutes and back to work together and in correct sequence like the deadlift does. This thing will make you strong and improve your quality of life. So why are you so nervous about performing this movement? You’ve tweaked your back doing it once? Yes we can shift a lot of weight doing the deadlift, but that does not mean that every time we go to deadlift we have to lift more than the previous time we lifted. I think we often go into it with this mentality. Lets slow it down, approach the bar prepared and tight, organised as Kelly says. Here are a few videos for you to watch in preparation for tomorrows deadlifts. We’re going to keep the weight slightly lighter to focus on great technique.
The key thing we learnt at the gymnastics cert this weekend is that POSITION and maintaining position is the most important thing when it comes to moving well, safe and for improvement long term. What is position? Its staying organised. Keeping all body parts as close to the mid-line as possible. Moving the shortest distance possible and not wasting any energy. Position is best practise with no load and just simply using body weight (gymnastics). We can then take those well practiced positions and apply them to everything else we do in CrossFit. Want to increase the amount of weight you can press or snatch? Lets start by drilling good position over and over again untill it becomes second nature and those weights will start moving up more efficiently. If this makes no sense what so ever, do not worry you’ll see in practice starting tomorrow
Mobility: Hold bottom of Squat for 2min / Warm Up: Crab walk, hollow rock, tight arch
Push up
15min to find 1RM Push jerk
Five rounds for time of:
Run 200 meters
20 Push Ups
1o Strict pull ups
]]>Big daddy Aidan during ‘Rosie’ on Thursday
Good morning andfitters! 6 of us are competing at CrossFit Infinite in Takapuna today. Its a mixed partner comp, here are the teams competing: Wykie/Hine Dirk/Anya Aidan/Sandy. Go for a WOD at Andfit, there will be 3 coaches looking after you today – Dan F, Dan B and Blake. Feel free to bring a friend along today to try CrossFit. Then come out to Takapuna and support us please!!! Adress is 18B Barrys Point Road.
Partner WOD
4 corner KB
One Partner has to carry the 24/32kg kb at all times-can’t set it down, only 1 person working at a time on the following:
1st corner 50 burpees
2nd corner 100 air squats
3rd corner 50 burpees
4th corner 100 air squats
*Complete the totals as a team
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
24/16kg Kettlebell X 21 swings
12 Pull-ups
Sumo Deadlift
5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
21 – 15 – 9
Toes to Bar
Double Unders
*If you cannot do double unders, do tuck jumps
Box Squat
5 – 5 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 1
10min AMRAP
5 chest to bar pullups
10 Get ups (roll to squat)
5 ring dips
10 burpees
5 Hang Power cleans on the minute for 10min. Choose a challenging weight and stick with it for all 10 rounds.
21 – 15 – 9
Wall Balls
Push Ups
Sit Ups (ab mat)
]]>Medball runs at andRun endurance club
Our speciality classes andRun and andLift are going really well. People are already seeing big improvements in their running and lifting just by spending one focused hour a week on their chosen domain.
Team here is a great way to finish the week and month!
21 – 15 – 9
Thuster (30/45kg)
Pull Ups