Please put aside next Friday 13th of June from 6pm onwards at the box – we will be showing as a Andfit Community our support and love for Wykie, Becs and Charis. This will involve a WOD for Benji, food, fundraising and more. Its not just limited to members so please bring along your friends, family and other Crossfitters. More details to come but for now keep the date free if you can.
Today there will be an opportunity for members to test your 1RM for the squatting if you didn’t get the time on Wednesday. So please do that or do the second option if you have already done your 1RM’s.
1RM Back Squat / Front Squat (20min)
1RM Squat Clean Thruster (20min)
B. For time:
Power Cleans 60/40
Burpee Box Jumps
Coach D