Friday 110714

Posted by: Wykie at 7pm, July 10, 2014

Friday 110714









Come watch the 2014 Industrial Athletic Invitational at the NZ Fitness Expo on the weekend, our very own Lee is competing and we’ve got Wykie and Carson judging. Here is the link to the event times



A. Gymnastics – The Muscle up

Every 90sec for 7:30min (4 rounds) do either:

1.) 2-6 Consecutive muscle ups

2.) 2-6 False grip ring pull up + 2-6 Strict dips

3.) 5-10 False grip ring rows + 5-10 dips (bands allowed)

If you already have a muscle up, you need to watch this video analysis that Rudy did of Nick Block and Dan Tyminski and apply the principles he talks about today


B. Snatch

Do 1 Snatch every 30sec for 10min (20 total reps)

* Yes its squat snatches

* NO FAILED REPS OR 10 burpee penalty


C.  Conditioning

3 Rounds for total reps:

45sec HSPU

15sec Rest

45sec KB Swing 24/16kg

15sec Rest

45sec T2B

15sec Rest

1min Double Unders

1min Rest


* Scale HSPU to Abmat or Dumbbell Push Press

* Scale T2B to Knees to Chest

* If you cant do double unders use the 1min as practice time for double unders


Coach D