Friday 141114

Posted by: Wykie at 7pm, November 13, 2014


Maybe a run on the beach this weekend?

Friday again. How quick does time fly. Just a quick little talk on nutrition. Firstly each person are unique and differently made and also have different goals in life. I know nutrition is a touchy subject for people to talk about but its also the most important thing about fitness and wellbeing. Without a “good” diet it is very hard or even impossible to achieve what you are truly capable of. Im not saying there isn’t top athletes that have a bad diet but i’m saying that those top athletes can even be better if they have a “good” diet.

What is a “good” diet. For us here at Andfit and most Crossfit gyms across the world we recommend the Paleo/Cavemen diet. Crossfit and many experts in the field of nutrition have found this to be the best diet for humans. Now I’m not saying that thats the only way to go. Like I said we are all different but what I can say for a fact is that the diet that most humans are eating today is not going to give them what they truly need and will probably make them sick.

If you have questions about nutrition then be sure to ask some of the coaches for some advice. There are also tons of recourse on the internet to keep you reading for the rest of you life.

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.

–Greg Glassman

Have a good night guys. NO SUGAR……

Friday 141114


Hang Snatch


* Work up to a heavy 2 reps for the day.



3 rounds

25 Overhead Squats 60/40kg

75 Double Unders

*Rest 2 min between rounds


Coach D