Friday 171014

Posted by: Wykie at 7pm, October 16, 2014


If you got nothing to do tomorrow night at 10pm then watch Jono and Ben at 10. You might see a bit of Andfit in there.

You have made it to the end of another great week guys. I was so happy to see all the amazing squatting today. Many people were repping out their old 1RM for 3 or more reps.

Come finish of the week with some oly lifting and a workout with your favourite combination of movements.

With the Clean And Jerks, I encourage you to take the time to work on your technique. If we ignore technique and just try for the heaviest weight we can with average movement we are not doing ourselves any favours. Average movement not only keeps you from hitting your best lifts it also transfers into other movements and makes them more dangerous and inefficient. Its like a fire. If we don’t change the bad movement patterns we have it will spread into all the other movements and make it so much harder to get under control again.

That’s enough preaching for one day.

Hope everybody has an awesome day.


A. Olympic lifting

5X1 Clean & Jerk – work to a max for the day, rest as needed

* Also a time to work on technique.


B. Conditioning

50 C2B

9 Thrusters, 70/47.5kg

35 Pull ups

12 Thrusters, 60/42.5

20 TTB

15 Thrusters, 52.5/27.5

One barbell. You change the weights.


Coach D