Friday 200614

Posted by: Wykie at 7pm, June 19, 2014


Friday 200614

Good to see Inia back in the box again.The guy is such a legend. Love how he is a long distance runner but can also lift heavy things. He is a great athlete.


Great week so far team. Lets finish it off with a bang and do some snatches and some classic crossfit stuff movements. Got a little remix on the workout Cindy for everybody.




A. Hang Snatch

15 minutes to establish a 1rm Hang Snatch (above knees) or work on technique.

* Do 4 x 20 (10 each leg) reps of dumbbell lunges between snatch attempts.

B. Conditioning

3 sets for total time of:

4 rounds of “Cindy”:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air-squats

Rest 1:00 between sets.

Coach D