Friday 281114

Posted by: Wykie at 7pm, November 27, 2014






















How we look after Wall Balls.

Another great week gone. Hope everybody has enjoyed the week so far. I know things might be going a bit crazy at your workplace but remember you can always come in for a session to relieve some stress.

Tomorrow we are going to do our Snatch 1RM. Over the last few weeks we have done a bit of position work and also some assistant work in the snatch so don’t be surprised if you rip out a PR. The Snatch is pretty much the King of lifting weights. There is nothing more awesome than to take a weight and throw it over your head in one movement. If you are somebody that struggle with this movement just came in tomorrow and give it a good go. Myself and the coaches will be right here to give you all the advice and help we can.

Have a great night and see you all tomorrow.

Friday 281114




* Target new 1RM


16min AMRAP


15 Ring Dips

12 KB Swings 32/24kg



Coach D