The 2014 CrossFit Open season officially begins now for Andfit! If you dont know what the Open is, check out these videos:
The Open is the biggest event for us all year and we want you all to be part of the experience! You miss out on something amazing if you dont jump in. (If you dont feel ready for the Open have a chat to a coach before making a descision on it). We will also be running a in house Open at the same time that will have multiple scaling options for all levels.
Last year was our first year taking part in the Open and we had 54 people signed up (we only had like 60 members) and we came 131st in Australasia out of around 300 teams! Can we go top 100 this year? I KNOW WE CAN!
Over the next 8 weeks we will basically be in pre-season mode. This, just like a rugby or netball team in pre-season, will involve much more actually playing the sport, especially in relation to the Open style workouts. We’ll do a bunch of classic couplets and tripplets (common during the Open) and we’ll start running some heats with a partner taking you through the WOD. Its gonna be a fun time!
The beauty of getting ready for the Open is that there is not an exponential amount of things to prepare for. As a matter of fact, Anders Larson’s analysis of what’s to come this year, shows that there have only been fourteen total movements used in the last three years. This, in comparison to the eight billion movements used in the last three Games, makes preparation at least a little easier.
So get excited and put these dates in your diary:
16th January (NZ): Registration opens / 28th February (NZ): First WOD anounced
More CrossFit Cames Open details:
Todays session:
Olympic Lifting:
Snatch practice – 12min to drill technique and string some light to medium weight sets together
EMOTM for 4min: 10 TNG reps at a ligth weight (+- 40% 1RM)
EMOTM for 4min: 5 TNG reps at a medium weight (+- 50% 1RM)
EMOTH for 4min: 2TNG reps at a heavier weight (+- 70% 1RM)
For time: (15min cap)
3 Power Snatches 50/35
6 C2B Pull-ups
9 Burpees
6 Power Snatches 50/35
9 C2B Pull-ups
12 Burpees
9 Power Snatches 50/35
12 C2B Pull-ups
15 Burpees
12 Power Snatches 50/35
15 C2B Pull-ups
18 Burpees
15 Power Snatches 50/35
18 C2B Pull-ups
21 Burpees