Olympic Lifting:
15 min. to establish a max 2-Pos Snatch (hang, low-hang 2″ from floor).
4 rounds for total time of:
15 Burpees (absolutely as fast as possible)
20 Wall Balls 20/14
Rest 1:00 after each round.
Todays sessions: 8AM / 4:30PM
Olympic Lifting:
15min to:
1.) Work to a 1RM Clean&Jerk
2.) Work on C+J Technique (After a 5min warm up do 3 Reps EMOTM for 10min at a weight that allows for perfect form)
3 rounds for total reps of:
2 minute AMRAP of:
5 Squat Clean to Thrusters 60/40kg
25 Double-unders
*Rest 1 minute
1 minute AMRAP of:
*Rest 1 minute
Constantly Varied Kitchen
Congratiolations to Hannah for winning the 2013 Clean challenge! Totally deserved!
1a) 4X2+2 Snatch Grip Push Press + OHS @ 90% of max Snatch – rest 60 sec.
1b) 4X10 Hip Extensions – rest 60 sec.
For time:
Run 800m
15 Ring Dips
15 KBS 32/24kg
Run 400m
20 Ring Dips
20 KBS 32/24kg
Run 200m
25 Ring Dips
25 KBS 32/24kg
Keen to do some WODs while on the road these holidays? Try some of these! TRAVEL WODS
Testing day 5:
A.) Back Squat test
B.) Bench press test
C.) Plank test
TABATA Combat rope skips
We have some amazing members at Andfit. Doug and his wife Beth have a special treat for you guys at the box today (Thursday)! Please grab your box of paleo truffles from the fridge and fill out the form inside for the Maarschalks – you’ll go in the draw to win a delicious paleo cake! I bet you attendance at the gym will be high tomorrow
A.) Snatch test
1. Power Snatch 20/15kg 2. Power Snatch 30/20kg 3. Power Snatch 40/25kg 4. Power Snatch 50/30kg 5. Squat Snatch 50/30kg 6. Squat Snatch 60/40kg 7. Squat Snatch 70/45kg 8. Squat snatch 80/55kg 9. Squat Snatch 100/65kg 10. Squat Snatch 120/75kg
B.) 2km Row test
1. Sub 10/10:30 2. Sub 9:30/10:00 3. Sub 9/9:30 4. Sub 8:20/9:10 5. Sub 7:50/8:20 6. Sub 7:30/8:00 7. Sub 7:20/7:50 8. Sub 7/7:30 9. Sub 6:50/7:20 10. Sub 6:30/7:00
CrossFit in Mt Eden Auckland
This week is testing week!
If you don’t test yourself, how do you know that you are getting better? The beauty about CrossFit is that our workouts are quantifiable and repeatable allowing us to accurately track our fitness. We’re about performance and not about appearance. Improved health and appearance is directly related to your performance. Perform better = healthier = look better.
Dont shy away from the testing, setting these benchmarks for yourself is key in staying motivated and having goals in mind. The key is to not compare yourself with others but to focus on your own performance and how it is improving!
If you are not familiar with the Andfit testing levels, check them out HERE.
It will be a great week in the box. Lets celebrate our improved health and fitness together!
Todays session:
A.) 7min to establish your max effort single skips or double unders (perhaps a few tripple unders)
B.) 10min to establish your 1RM Overhead Squat
21 – 15 – 9
Thrusters (42.5/30kg)
Pull ups
Overhead Squat Technique with Justin Bergh
Rich Fronning and Dan Bailey Overhead Squat 3 rep max
Overhead Squat Event at the 2013 Regionals
We’re looking forward to spending a fun morning with you! Weather forecast is looking great. Come and WOD at 8am at the gym and then join us at Mission Bay from 9:30 for our Christmas Party! Bring your frisbees, cricket set and any other games you enjoy playing. There will be pancakes (naughty ones and paleo ones). Dont forget your sunscreen and speedos! Coaches and the clean challenge team leaders will be facing off in a series of challenges for your viewing pleasure too.
Team WOD:
20min AMRAP
Partner 1: 200m plate run (20/10kg)
Partner 2: Max rounds of Cindy (5 Pull ups / 10 Push ups / 15 squats)
Partner 3: Max Calorie row
*When the runner returns the whole team rotates. Runners move to Cindy. Those doing Cindy move to the row. The rowers go for a run.
*Score = total calories rowed and total rounds of Cindy done.
*You start Cindy where the previous partner left off. If they were at the 6th squat when you returned from the run, you will continue with the 7th squat.
Gymnastics Strength work
Handstand Push up
EMOTM for 10min perform 4 reps of either of these HSPU variations based on your level:
Deficit strict / Deficit kipping / Strick / Kipping / Head raised strict / head raised kipping
4 rounds for total time of:
25 Wall Balls
10 Power Snatches 50/35kg
Rest 1:00 between rounds.
CrossFit in Mt Eden Auckland
4X1 Clean & Jerk @ 90%
15min of Clean and Jerk Technique work
4 rounds for distance and reps:
1:00 ME Handstand Walk (for distance, not UB)
2:00 ME KB Snatch + KB OHS 24/16kg (alternate hands every 5 reps)
1:00 ME TTB
1:00 Rest
“When we can no longer change the situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” – Victor Frankl
CrossFit in Mt Eden Auckland.
We had a great weekend with 5 athletes competing at the CrossFit HPU Play Offs. Wykie and Leehane’s team came 4th out of 21 RX teams and we’re still waiting to find out how the scaled team – Georgia, Sam and Nath finished off. Great performances frome everyone!
We also had our fundraiser for Ruth and Harley yesterday with about 30 of you taking part in a 1 hour AMRAP of running, bear crawls and burpee broad jumps. You 30 deserve a rest day today! We have raised $3600 so far. Our goal is $5000, so please jump on the link below and donate. Thank you to everyone who came to suport and donated!
Todays session:
3RM Back Squat – Press – O/H Squat
HPU Play Offs 4 WOD 3 – Pairs Chipper
For reps (10min cap)
30 Alternating burpee box jumps
20 Snatches (60/40)
30 Alternating burpee box jumps
20 O/H Lunges (60/40)
30 Alternating burpee box jumps
20 Thrusters (60/40)
With remaining time do max reps KB Swings (32/24) While partner locks bar (60/40) overhead.
Scale 1 – Clean and jerk / Front rack lunges at 60/40kg (32/24kg Swings)
Scale 2 – Snatch / O/H Lunge at 50/30kg (24/16kg swings)
Scale 3 - Clean and jerk / Front rack lunges at 50/30kg (24/16kg swings)
Scale 4 - Clean and jerk / Front rack lunges at 40/25kg (20/12kg Swings)
Scale 5 - Clean and jerk / Front rack lunges at 30/15kg (12/8kg Swings)
CrossFit in Mt Eden Auckland
A reminder that tomorrow we’re meeting at Potters Park from 1-3pm as we do a 1hour AMRAP and raise money for Ruth and Harley! We have created a donation page where you can donate. You can also share this link with your family, friends and colleagues and get them on board!
5min AMRAP
100m run
5 C&J 40/30
5 HSPU / Pushups
rest 2min
5 min AMRAP
10 Med ball cleans (10/6)
2 MU / 5 pullup / 7 ring rows
20 DUs (50 singles)
rest 2min
5min AMRAP
Row 5 cal
5 DB snatch R (20/12.5)
5 Burpees
5 DB snatch L (20/12.5)
rest 2min
5min AMRAP
Hill running
Please join us this Sunday at Potters Park from 1-3pm as we do a 1hour AMRAP and raise money for Ruth and Harley! We have created a donation page where you can donate. You can also share this link with your family, friends and colleagues and get them on board!
Todays session:
The CrossFit Total reflects an athlete’s functional strength capacity. The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the squat, the press, and the deadlift.
The ‘CrossFit Total’ is your 1 RM of each of the below combined:
Score the best of 3 attempts at each movement. Add the 3 high scores to find your CrossFit Total.
Warm up each movement immediately before your attempt.
Read more about the CrossFit Total here: CrossFit Total
CrossFit in Mt Eden Auckland.
Olympic lifting – The Snatch
A.) Pause Pulls
9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5
*Start at 70% of your 1RM Snatch and increase by 5kg for each set. Lift from the floor to just above the knee and pause for 2sec then stand to full extension. Drop back down to just above the knee and hold for 2sec then return to the ground – that is one rep 90sec rest between sets.
B.) Snatch complex at 60% of 1RM. 5 Rounds.
Power Snatch – Hang Squat Snatch – Power Snatch
*Focus is on the 3rd lift (2nd Power Snatch). Keeping shoulders and back tight and in place and maintaining same speed as the first Power snatch.
*Scale with a heavy DB Push press.
CrossFit in Mt Eden Auckland
Gymnastics Skill / Strenght
Hollow Rock position
L – sits
“Filthy Fifty”
For time:
50 Box jump
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings 16kg
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press 20kg
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Ok no 5km run today I promise team, you’re doing the below session I promise.
Here is a quote from Greg Glassman though
“Hiding from your weaknesses is a recipe for incapacity and error.”
15min to work on Split Jerk technique or establish a 1RM.
*From the rack
5 rounds for total reps of:
:20 ME Thrusters 45/30kg
:20 ME Pullups
:40 Rest
CrossFit in Mt Eden Auckland
Strength – Dynamic day:
- Banded deadlifts 2×12 @ 50% of 1RM with a purple band.
* Speed from just bellow the knee up to full extension is the goal.
Assistant excercise:
- reverse hypers with band 15×3
EMOM for 10min
10 push ups
Rest of minute ME power cleans 70/50kg
*score = power cleans
“Stay commited to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.” – Tom Robbins
CrossFit in Mt Eden Auckland