Monday 090614

Posted by: Wykie at 5pm, June 8, 2014

Monday 090614

Good luck to all the people doing clean this month. Lets really hit this hard this month and change for the better. If you are not doing Clean please encourage our members that are doing it. Its not easy making these changes to diet but with support from the community it helps heaps.

Hope everybody had a great weekend. If you missed the rowing/thruster workout on saturday you should really give it a go in open gym time. It was a great workout and pretty sure everybody loved it.

Lets do this:

A. Bench Press

10-8-6-4-2 Bench Press 80/50kg
Rest 3 minutes between set

B. “Heartbreak Kid”

3 RFT:
10 Front Squats 85/60 (from ground)
20 C2B Pull ups
50 Double unders

*Only break up the Bench Press sets in 2 for example 5,5 for set of 10/ 4,4 for set of 8 or go unbroken if possible

* Scale C2B to normal pull ups or banded

* Scale DU to 30/10 DU or 150 Singles

* 15min CAP


Coach D