Todays session:
A.) After warming up to a decent starting weight, take 10min to establish a 1RM Cluster (Clean into a thruster)
B.) In teams of 3, spend 4min at each station for max reps. Rest 2min between stations.
Station 1: You can rotate at anytime, but always after a set of 10 burpees. Score = Total Calories
P1 – Airdyne for max calories
P2 – 10 burpees
P3 – Rests
Station 2: You can rotate at anytime, but always after a set of 15 wall balls. Score = Total meters
P1 – Row for max meters
P2 – 15 Wall balls
P3 – Rests
Station 3: You can rotate at anytime, but always after a set of 15 Box jumps. Score = Total double unders
P1 – Max double unders (or 3:1 singles)
P2 – 15 Box jumps (60/50cm)
P3 – Rests
Station 4: You can rotate at anytime, but always after a set of 15 swings. Score = Total sit ups
P1 – Max ab mat sit ups
P2 – 15 Swings (24/16kg)
P3 – Rests
Station 5: This station will only be used if there are more that 12 athletes in the class. You can rotate at anytime. Split lunges can only be performed while a plank is held. Score = Total split lunges
P1 – ME Jumping Split lunges
P2 – Plank
P3 – Rests