Monday 280414

Posted by: Wykie at 5pm, April 27, 2014

These 4 champions took part in the Functional strength CrossFit Hopper games yesterday and did very well!

These 4 champions took part in the Functional strength CrossFit Hopper games yesterday and did very well!


Todays session:


A.)  Clean Complex
Work up to a max effort:  Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean (mid thigh) + Low Hang Clean (below knee)

*These are full Cleans

B.) ARMAP 5:
5 unbroken Front Squats, 100/70 - from the ground, no racks.

*Scale the weight as needed

C.)  For time:
1,000m Row
30 Snatches (Full), 60/40
50 C2B Pull ups

*Scale the weight as needed



Why CrossFit again? finalboys and girls night jpegWe have an action packed week at the box this week! Please email Wykie – [email protected] if you plan to come along to the WHY CROSSFIT AGAIN? night on thursday as well as the BOYS NIGHT IN / GIRLS NIGHT OUT on Friday night. Then on Saturday we have 3 teams (18 Athletes) competing at the HPU Play Offs at Less Mils in the city. We’d love your support on the day!

HPU Teams:

RX: Wykie, Nash, Jacob, Hine, Victoria and Lee

Scaled 1: Phil, Gareth, Jeremy, Sandy, Bernie and China

Scaled 2: Sam, Joel, Carson, Thais, Mymoena and Teressa