Todays sessions:
7:00AM Bootcamp
8:15AM CrossFit Kids
8:00AM CrossFit
9:00AM CrossFit
We are extremely excited to be hosting NZ’s first Outlaw Way training camp in January 2015! Rudy Nielsen and the Outlaw camp staff have a huge following world wide and their methods are extremely effective. You do not have to be an elite athlete or Coach to attend this course so I encourage all of you to jump on the opportunity and get signed up! Click on this LINK to find out more and to get registered.
The Outlaw Way from The Outlaw Way on Vimeo.
Todays session:
In teams of 3 complete 12 rounds of the following WOD alternating with each exercise:
Row 250m
15 DB Shoulder to overhead (25/15kg)
15 Box jumps (70/60)
200m run