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Cleaning up the Clean 5/1

Hine - Smashed the 1st WOD of 2012

Hine - Smashed the 1st WOD of 2012


Hang Power Clean

5     5     3     3     1     1


Hang Power Clean @ 50% of 1RM

“Don’t mistake pleasure for happiness. They are a different breed of dogs.”
- Josh Billings

Pushing Balls & Swinging Bells 4/1



21 / 18 /15 / 12 / 9 / 6 / 3

Wall ball (6/9)

KB Swings (24/16kg)

*Do 30 double unders after each set of KB swings.

Friday 23 December



Complete 3 rounds for time

20 pull ups
20 Deadlifts (80/50kg)
20 Box jumps
400m run

“Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and honorable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself.”  

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Thursday 22 December

Dave W on honeymoon in Gold coast and working hard!

Dave W on honeymoon in Gold coast and working hard!

Strength: arch rock 5 x 10 with 100m run between sets.

WOD: 10min AMRAP

10 log roll V-ups
20 Sit ups
30 double unders

Compare to 14 November

“The best effect of fine persons is felt after we have left their presence.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday 21 December

Angie - Under grip jumping pull ups

Angie - Under grip jumping pull ups


12min AMRAP

15m Burpie broad jump

15 Knees to Elbows


“Nothing in progression can rest on its original plan. We might as well think of rocking a grown man in the cradle of an infant.”
- Edmund Burke

Tuesday 20 December

Gymnastics/core strengthening:

With the clock running for 10min spend as much time in the plank position as posible. Everytime you drop out of the plank – perform 10 sit ups. Score is total time in plank.

WOD: 10 hill runs for time.

Monday 19 December

Gymnastics / Core work: L – Sit progressions


  • 30 Double unders 10 single arm swings (16/12kg)
  • 2o  Double unders 20 single arm swings
  • 10 Double unders 30 single arm swings

*Run 400m as a buy in and 400m to close.


This weeks focus will be on Core strength and gymnastics specific work mixed with some good metabolic conditioning – bring your running shoes and plenty of water

“If we would have anything of benefit, we must earn it, and earning it become shrewd, inventive, ingenious, active, enterprising.”
- Henry Ward Beecher   

Friday 16 December

James W

Strength day 4

Weighted Pull ups 3 3 2 2 1 1

Between sets do 4-6 weighted press ups

WOD: 5 rounds for time of:
10 pull ups / 10 box jumps / 10 swings

Thursday 15 December

Tyge - 110kg bench press (got it easy)

Strength day 3

Hang power snatch 3   3   3   3   3

25m run / 5 Burpies

Without rest, a man cannot work; without work, the rest does not give you any benefit.”
- Abkhasian Proverb