Ever wondered why we snatch so much? The snatch is a super high skill movement, arguably the most technical movement we do. If you can learn how to move efficiently through the 3 positions of the snatch and master a full depth overhead catch like Ido is showing us beautifully here then there is no doubt in my mind that you will be able to learn any other movements we through at you, and in fact I reckon those less technical movement will become somewhat basic to you. A quick example of this is the comparison between a hang snatch and a kettlebell swing – very similar movements. If your hang snatch gets up to around 60-80kg boys and around 40-50kg ladies how easy do you think you’ll find a 24 and 16kg kettlebell swing? Very easy I would suggest. The Olympic lifts have amazing carry over to all the other movement we do, it will strengthen your core like you would not believe (crunches have nothing on the snatch just believe me) and if you practice these lifts often you’ll see great improvements in flexibility and mobility as well as balance for you slightly uncoordinated ones
“All sports require different amounts of muscle synchronization, balance, flexibility, and coordination as well as strength, speed, power, and metabolic development. Olympic weightlifting provides development in all these areas.” (Wenzel & Perfetto 1992)
10min Muscle up practice
Olympic lifting
12 minutes to establish a 1RM Hang Clean (just above the knee) and Jerk
7 minute AMRAP of:
25 Double Unders
3 Thrusters 70/47.5kg