Is there somebody you know that wants to give Crossfit a go. Why don’t you pay for somebody to do the intro course? Imagine how it could potentially change somebody’s life. If you feel like doing something like that DO IT. It will only cost you a few coffee’s and drinks. Above are the start dates for the intro classes for the next few months.
Hope you guys enjoyed the squatting yesterday. How bad was the Bulgarian Split Squats? It’s a great exercise to build leg strength and also very good for building single leg strength that will transfer to movements like pistols. So keep up with them even though they suck.
Remember to write down your gymnastic goals for July. DREAM BIG.
Have a great day everybody.
A. Squat Cleans
EMOM x 10
5 Squat cleans 80/55kg
* Reps DON’T have to be touch and go.
* Aim to complete work in 30 seconds then rest remainder of minute
B. Conditioning
For Time
30 Burpee Box Jumps 60/50cm
400m Run
15 Power Snatches 60/40kg
800m Run
15 Power Snatches 60/40kg
400m Run
30 Burpee Box Jumps 60/50cm
*Cap 20min
Coach D