How are the quads feeling today? I’m sure they will be a little tender so we’re power snatching today and there is no leg work in the WOD either. You’re welcome
This Saturday from 10:30-2:30 we’re running a 4 hour Olympic Lifting training day at Andfit for members ($50) and non members ($100). We’ll have 3 coaches on. Its limited to 20 spaces and we only have 5 spots left so if you’re keen to jump in email wykie now [email protected]. This will be aimed at beginner to intermediate level lifters and you’ll all benefit from it hugely!
10:30-11:30: Snatch technique and drills
11:30-12:30: Jerk technique and drills
12:30-1:00: Lunch
1:00-1:30: Clean technique and drills
1:30-2:00: Clean and Jerk Max out session and videos
2:00-2:30: Video analysis of all Athletes with feedback.
Todays session:
A.) Olympic lifting work
1) Power Snatch: 2RM (drop first rep) – 2X1@95%, 2X1@90%
2) Snatch Balance: 4X3@100-120% of max double from #1
B.) Conditioning
One of the first ever CrossFit WODs I tried, took me a ridiculous amount of time as I refused to scale! You’ll be scaling today to get through this WOD in under 15min
21 – 15 – 9
Ring Dips
Push ups
*Scale HSPU with pike press and the ring dips with a band.