Tuesday 280114

Posted by: Wykie at 7pm, January 27, 2014

bootcamp poster 2014 final!


We’re very excited about the launch of our bootcamp OXYGEN! This will not be your standard bootcamp where half squats and worming press ups are the norm but instead OXYGEN will be a next level bootcamp where CrossFit standards are coached by qualified trainers. There will be a range of equipment used at OXYGEN bootcamp that will keep the workouts varied and fun! Mobility will also be a priority to keep attendees supple and safe.

Bootcamp could be a great first step for your family and friends that are intimidated by CrossFit and an opportunity for them to meet our awesome team and learn a bunch of the basic movements we do at the box.

You can join in for free! As members, bootcamp will be a great addition to the service we provide to you! All you have to do is let us know if you will be atending the AM or PM classes and thats it! So if you’re feeling like a bodyweight or more metabolic conditioning type workout one day then come to a bootcamp session instead – they will still be high intensity dont you worry!


Olympic Lifting

7X1 Mid-Hang Snatches @ 80% – rest 60-90 sec. (Do not go above 80%)



Back Squat: 4X8@80%, quick up and down with no pause every set, rest 90 sec.



8 minute AMRAP of:

50 Double-Unders
20 UB Wall Balls 20/14#

*The goal is to move calmly through the entire 8:00 without significant deviation of pace, and with smooth UB reps. If you can maintain a quick pace throughout all rounds then start fast. If not, choose a pace that will allow for minimum variance in intervals.


Squad C

This week will be a brief de-load, then we’ll load for another three weeks before de-laoding the final week before the Open. Next week we’ll start discussing when we’ll schedule the Open workouts, and – if necessary – retests. I cannot believe how close the season is!

Olympic Lifting

7X1 Mid-Hang Snatches @ 80% – rest 60-90 sec. (Do not go above 80%)


1a) 3X5 less C2B Pull-ups than each set from 140106 – rest 60 sec.
1b) 3X20 (steps) Front Rack Walking Lunges (use axle bar if possible) @ 80% of heaviest load from140113 – continuous stride (no stopping to gather feet), rest 60 sec.


Same as above