Wednesday 031214

Posted by: Wykie at 7pm, December 2, 2014


The man, the legend. Clean winner and all round beast. Michael Frost aka FROSTY

Wow great day today team. I saw some great PR’s and the intensity in the workout was so awesome. I was really stoked again with the great form people had throughout the Deadlifts. I want to make it my mission to ensure that everybody can Deadlift with correct and safe form. Plenty more Deadlifts to come I think.

A big congratulations to all the Clean challenge participants. It has been amazing to see the change in everybody. We had a winner this year which was Michael Frost and also two second equal Carrie and Jonathan. Congratulations you guys.

 Have a good night tonight team.


Wednesday 031214


EMOM 12min

Even: 3 Muscle ups
Odd: 15 Hand release Push ups

Scale MU to:

2 or 1 rep
10 Swings on rings (Arch to Hollow)

Scale HRPU to:

Push Up



20min AMRAP

5 C2B Pull Ups
10 Wall Balls 12/10kg
15 Split Jumps

*Every 2min Perform 5 Burpees Starting at 0:00


Coach D