We’re taking a break from the barbell today, I know its crazy! (Hope you guys will be ok Just a reminder that as a Andfit member you also have access to all the Bootcamp sessions we run. Its not a bad idea to mix things up from time to time, get into a different environment and smash a bootcamp style WOD. Its a also a great way to introduce your friends to Andfit if they are a little intimidated by CrossFit, why not pass the link to this post on to them and invite them to come and try a free Bootcamp session.
Conditioning / Skill
4 Rounds
1st min: 14 ALT DB Sntach (25/15)
2nd min: 14 DB Push ups (Narrow set up – shoulders to dumbells)
3rd min: 50 Double unders
*Rest remaining time in the minute.
Conditioning / Midline
For time:
2-4-6 Wall Climb
5-10-20 T2B
10-20-40 Sit up
*Every minute do 5 burpees.