Strict Pull-Ups……. If you had trouble with these I encourage you to do more of this in open gym or before and after class. Its a great movement and transfers really well to other movements we do. You will be surprised on how quick you see progress if you put your mind and a bit of time to it.
Hope everybody has a great day in the box today.
A. Power Snatch
i) Work up to a 3RM TnG Power Snatch (10min)
ii) EMOM for 6min
3 reps at 80% of (i)
B. Conditioning
“Charlie Brown”
3 RFT:
15 OHS 60/40kg
30 Abmat Sit up
45 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
*OHS is from ground
* Scale weight so the reps are broken into no more than 2 sets for example 8/7 in OHS or 25-20 in KBS.
Coach D