Jeremy working on a new set up for his snatch during the oly lifting training day earlier in the month.
Push press
2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2
*1min rest between sets. Use your weights from the 130814 as a guide.
For time:
In pairs complete for time:
30 thrusters (P1) 30 pull-ups (P2)
30 thrusters (P2) 30 Pull-ups (P1)
20 thrusters (P1) 20 pull-ups (P2)
20 thrusters (P2) 20 pull-ups (P1)
10 thrusters (P1) 10 pull-ups (P2)
10 thrusters (P2) 10 pull-ups (P1)
Rx’d Division
42.5/30kg thrusters
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Scaled Division
35/20kg. thrusters
Chin-over-bar pull-ups, 15-10-5 reps