Wednesday 300414

Posted by: Wykie at 5pm, April 29, 2014


Anya and Wykie at the weekends Tough Mudder. Puddle was shallow as, Anya is just being dramatic here...

Anya and Wykie at the weekends Tough Mudder. Puddle was shallow as, Anya is just being dramatic here…


1.) 5 RFT:
200m Run
10 Back Squats, 60/40 - taken from the ground, no racks.

Rest 5min

2.) AMRAP 10:
5-10-15-20-25-30… Wall Balls.
5 Hang Power Clean, 75/50 between every set of wall balls.

Rest 5min

3.  C2B Progression
EMOM 7:  Choose a rep range and do unbroken C2B or standard pull ups: 6 / 9 / 12 / 15


up coming events to put in your diary!

Battle of the bridges 2014 3panel