WOD Togeteher Wednesday 6 Feb

Only 1 session today team – 8am.

We’ll be going for coffee up at Cafe 23 after the session


WOD together Wednesday

 20min AMRAP

Partner 1 – Runs 400m

Partner 2 – AMRAP 10 Lateral bar burpees, 10 front squats, 10 pull ups

Score = rounds completed as a team


RX – 42.5/30kg

INT – 30/20kg

BEG – 20/15kg

Benchmark Tuesday 5 February

  Only 1 session on Waitangi day crew – 8am!



21 – 15 – 9

Deadlift (100/60kg)



Scale 1: 80/50kg + DB push press (15/7.5kg)

Scale 2: 60/40kg + DB push press (12.5/5kg)

Main site Monday 4 February

Have you signed up for the Open yet? Get excited, and get signed up!

We want as many andfitters as possible to take part in the CrossFit Games Open. The great thing about the Open is that it is for EVERYONE! Absolutely anyone can take part regardless of fitness ability. The workouts are designed so that everybody can take part in them and they are done in house.

As the workouts for the Open are released every Wednesday for 5 weeks, we’re planning on having a BBQ and drinks every Thursday night and running heats every half an hour from 4:30 – 8pm for the 5 weeks. Will be loads of fun! 

Here is the link to the sign up page:


Make sure you choose Andfit CrossFit as your local affiliate.

2012 CrossFit Games promo video


find 1RM weighted pull up



The Chief

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

*Compare to 7 May 2012

Saturday 2 February




Friday 1 February



 5 – 5 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 1 – 1

*Can be push or split jerk


Finisher: 5 x max L-sit (30sec rest between each set)

Thursday January 31st


Sandy is a true AndFitter! She trains 4-6 times a week, always encouraging and she walks the walk when it comes to nutrition! She prioritizes good form through all her movements, rests when her body tells her to do so and she attacks any areas that need work. We love you Sandy! Oh and she is flying to Brisbane next week to do her Crossfit Kids course as well as doing her CrossFit Level 1 Cert at the end of Feb.


Tell us about your sports and fitness background?

Have always been active since I was a kid. Played netball at national level in primary school. Basketball and Hockey at national level in high school but after that just typical gym and lots of running.

 What’s your profession?

 I am a Branch Manager at ASB Bank. (I am older than I look)

 How did you get involved in CrossFit?

A good friend of mine (who is not in NZ anymore) introduced me to CrossFit. I remembered him telling me about all these workouts he does. At that time it just sounded like a typical circuit class to me. And boy was I wrong!! But since he was so enthusiastic about it, I thought I’ll give it a go to entertain him, plus I was getting bored with running.

 Do you remember what your first WOD was?

It was a blur to me, but according to AndFit website I did 21-15-9 of Burpees box jump and Thruster (not RX of course). I remembered thinking to myself after the WOD that my assumption about CrossFit just being another circuit was a major mistake!

When did you start coming to AndFit?

6th of March 2012

What is your favorite WOD/Movement(s)? Least favorite?

Favourite movement will be anything that involves a barbell and weights, least will probably be anything that freaks me out like handstand.

What are your short term and long term goals of CrossFit?

Short Term: To string 10 pull ups, RX HSPU and muscle up.

Long term: I suppose to improve and not get stagnant.

What is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit so far?

This is a tough one. Once in a while something will happen through practice and at that moment I’ll feel like it’s the biggest achievement. So far those moments are my first double under, my first over 100kgs deadlift, every time I PR my lifting, my first 4 in a row kipping pull ups and handstand.

What is something that we don’t know about you?  (Interesting fact, accomplishment you are proud of, obscure/unique talent, funny story, etc.)

Something that I’m proud of will be getting where I am now in my career in a short 4 years with lots of hard work and persistency. Funny story, I jump into a car thinking it was my then partner’s car while captivated by a gossip magazine and yell “honey! Drive! we are running late!” (still not looking at this stage) then I heard this guy said “erm, I don’t think I’m your honey”   I looked up my face dropped and I can see my partner laughing his butt off in the car beside me.

Any advice for people just getting started?

Don’t give up when something seems impossible or very hard. Keep trying and one day, out of the blue you will have one of those biggest achievement moments. And also nutrition is very important. Like Coach Wyks always says, you can’t out work a bad diet. 



Bench press

3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3

*use 5RM from the 8th of Jan as a guide



5 rounds for time


10 T2B

10 Box Jumps (70/60cm)

10 Swings (32/24kg)

WOD Together Wednesday 30 January

Tell us about your sports and fitness background?
Played some cricket and other sport at school, but became progressively unfit/unhealthy throughout the next 14 years.  Started maintaining a regular exercise/gym schedule from the beginning of 2011 and have now lost nearly 40kg.
What do you do for a profession?
I’m a lecturer in theology.
How did you get involved in CrossFit?
After improving my health and fitness I felt like I needed a challenge to push myself towards the next set of goals that I had – and after some encouragement from friends who were coming to Andfit (and some rather persistent prodding from my wife) I thought I’d give it a go.
Do you remember what your first WOD was?
 It was a series of TABATA exercises – pull ups, push ups, squats, etc.  It was a shock to the system!
When did you start coming to AndFit?
Oct 2012.
What is your favorite WOD/Movement(s)? Least favorite?
Favourite movement is probably deadlift… and I love double-unders.  But I am terrible at wall balls.
What are your short term and long term goals of CrossFit?
Short Term: In the short term I’d like to be able to do pull-ups RX in the WODs.
Long term: To do as many WODs RX as possible.
What is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit so far?
I think even being able to cope with CrossFit feels like an accomplishment to me given how hopelessly out of shape I had become…  and being able to do pull-ups and sit-ups is something that I’ve never been able to do before in my life so that feels great.
What is something that we don’t know about you?  (Interesting fact, accomplishment you are proud of, obscure/unique talent, funny story, etc.)
My arms and legs are much shorter than someone with my length torso should have.  So if I’m sitting down I can appear quite tall, but when I stand up my height barely changes  I think this contributes to my lack of proficiency at wall balls!
Any advice for people just getting started? 
Don’t be intimidated by the fitter, faster, stronger people… just keep turning up!

Squat Clean

Find 3RM


WOD together Wednesday!

For time:

150 KB Swings (24/16)

75 Overhead Squats (42.5/30)

Buy out: 120m Broad Jump

Partner 1 starts the KB Swings.  While partner 1 is accumulating reps of the KB Swing, partner 2 must do a 400 M run. When partner 2 returns, they will switch places and partner 1 will run while partner 2 continues accumulating reps of the swings.  This will continue until the team has completed a total of 1.6 km  and at that time both partners can finish the remaining reps with one partner working and one partner resting.  Once all reps are completed, then both partners will move to the broad jump where only one partner can jump at any given time.  Time is up when the 120m jump is completed.

29 January – Benchmark Tuesday

Use your Chelsea score from last Tuesday as a guide here




Monday 28 January – only 8am session today

Only 1 session today guys – 8am



Thurster 42.5kg/30kg


Score = amount of rests taken.
*Each rest is a point. Goal is to get the lowest score

Rest = athlete dropping the bar or standing still for longer than 2 sec doing burpees.

*Rest periods can not be longer than 10 seconds then athlete have to continue with at least 1 rep before a rest can be taken again.