Thursday 4 October
Today we start our benchmark tests for the NO BREAD Challenge. We’ve selected a good mix of tests to track performance increase in your strength, metabolic conditioning and your ability to move your own bodyweight around. As you lose fat and gain muscle the scales may not change (muscle weighs more than fat) but your FRAN and 2km run result will improve and so will your 2min pull up, push up and sit up scores. Even if your weight does not change, you might find your jean size goes down as muscle is firm and takes up less space than the wobbly fat that use to be there.
Make sure you join the NO BREAD facebook page:
For time:
2km run
2min AMRAP – Pull Ups
2min AMRAP – Push Ups
2min AMRAP – Sit Ups
2min AMRAP – Double Unders
Wednesday 3 October
On Monday the 8th of October we’re starting our 8 week NO BREAD (an umbrella term for a bunch of things we’re going to be avoiding). You’ll find out on Friday what foods you will not be allowed. In CrossFit, we measure progress by your performance. We understand that the scales tell you absolutely nothing about your fitness or your body composition, so we’re not even gonna bother jumping on them. Instead we’ll measure the fitness/performance you gain by eating healthier for the next 8 weeks. Here are the benchmarks we’ll be doing before and after the 8 weeks:
1) 2km run time trial
2) CrossFit Total: 1RM Back Squat/Shoulder Press/Deadlift
3) ‘FRAN’
4) 2min max gymnastics tests: Pull Ups/Push Ups/Sit Ups/Double Unders
Getting your hip and waist measurements taken is optional. We’ll also get you to take before and after photos at home (it will be up to you if you want to share these or not). If you have a lot of excess fat to lose, then scales may be appropriate, but to be honest I wouldn’t even bother if I was you. As long as your numbers (strength and benchmark WODs) are going up, it means that positive changes are taking place as you are getting fitter.
Benchmark testing starts this Thursday!
Guys make sure you get in the gym this week Thursday, Friday and Saturday as we’ll be working through the above benchmark workouts. Will be lots of fun!
Signing up for the NO BREAD Challenge
Today you will see a sign up sheet on the front desk. If you are keen to join us on this 8 week journey of focused healthy eating and hard work then put your name down. By putting your name on the sheet you commit to avoiding the foods that will be outlined on Friday. You commit to getting in the gym a minimum of 3 times per week and to contribute to the discussion that will take place on the NO BREAD facebook page (the older generation that does not have facebook pages, you are exempt from this).
Any questions ask me in the morning as you struggle through the bellow WOD
Loving your work team!
Ok team I told you we were going to squat more often, so here it is:
10 rounds for time:
3 Back squats (100/70kg)
5 Burpee Box Jump
100m Sprint
*Rest 1min30sec between each round.
Barbell Club
Work on any barbell movement that needs work
Endurance Club
2.4km time trial
Tuesday 2 October
Ever wondered why we squat? Here is a quote from Mark Rippetoe that Dan F sent through to me today:
“There is simply no other exercise, and certainly no machine, that produces the level of central nervous system activity, improved balance and coordination, skeletal loading and bone density enhancement, muscular stimulation and growth, connective tissue stress and strength and overall systemic conditioning than the correctly performed full squat”.
- Coach Mark Rippetoe
We’re gonna even squat more from now on team…
For Time:
25 Each Hand
-One Hand KB Swing (24/16kg)
-One Hand KB Clean (24/16kg)
-One Hand KB Push Press (24/16kg)
-One Hand KB Snatch (24/16kg)
Monday 1 October
Four rounds:
10 unbroken Front Squats @ 70% 1RM
Run 400m
Rest between rounds = the same amount of time it took to complete the last round
• Weight has to be cleaned from the ground to start the set of front squats.
Happy Birthday Harley!!!!
Saturday 29 September
Big daddy Aidan during ‘Rosie’ on Thursday
Good morning andfitters! 6 of us are competing at CrossFit Infinite in Takapuna today. Its a mixed partner comp, here are the teams competing: Wykie/Hine Dirk/Anya Aidan/Sandy. Go for a WOD at Andfit, there will be 3 coaches looking after you today – Dan F, Dan B and Blake. Feel free to bring a friend along today to try CrossFit. Then come out to Takapuna and support us please!!! Adress is 18B Barrys Point Road.
Partner WOD
4 corner KB
One Partner has to carry the 24/32kg kb at all times-can’t set it down, only 1 person working at a time on the following:
1st corner 50 burpees
2nd corner 100 air squats
3rd corner 50 burpees
4th corner 100 air squats
*Complete the totals as a team
Wednesday 26 September
Squat Snatch
3 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1
4min AMRAP
Burpee Box Jump
Barbell Club
Clean + Jerk
1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
Endurance Club
Run 800m
Run 400m backward
Run 800m
Run 400m backward