Friday 10 August
20min to fin 1RM
5 rounds for time
run 200m with med ball (6/9kg)
15 wall ball (6/9kg)
Thursday 9 August
1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
*Goal is to find 1RM
*Score = Total burpees over the 8 rounds
Monday 6 August
Beyond the whiteboard is the best way to record and track your WOD results. We have set Andfit CrossFit up on their website, and we’re posting our daily WOD on there. Jump on their site and set yourself up with a log in. Add Anfit CrossFit as your gym and start recording your WOD results on there. They are promising a smartphone app to be released soon. There are loads of very cool and helpful features.
Ladies Andfit
Starting this week we have ladies only sessions at 9:30am on Tuesdays and Fridays. Its free for current members and non members can purchase 16 sessions (8 weeks) for $240. If you are lucky enough to be able to make a 9:30am session, come along!
Barbell and endurance club
We’ve created some space on Wednesday nights for focused barbell and endurance work. If you love the lifting or endurance aspect of CrossFit, or if you suck at these components and want to improve them, then come along on Wednesdays at 5:30. The only recuirement for joining these clubs is that you sign up to the CrossFit Journal here: and watch the video for the week. These sessions will not be formaly coached, so it is really important that you jump on the Journal weekly and check out the recomended video. You will see there is now a dedicated barbell club (AndLift) and endurance club (AndRun) pages.
5 – 5 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 1
500m Buy in
21 – 15 – 9
Over the box jumps
KB Swings (32/24kg)
*10min Cap
Sat 4 August
No open gym today team. Instead grab a coffee and come watch 5 of us compete at CrossFit Waitakere – 6 View rd Henderson
Workouts will be from 9am till 2pm.
Thursday 2 August
3min AMRAP
20 Wall Balls
20 AB mat sit ups
20 Push Ups
20 Box Jumps
20 AB mat sit ups
20 Push Ups
*1min rest
6min AMRAP
20 Wall Balls
20 AB mat sit ups
20 Push Ups
20 Box Jumps
20 AB mat sit ups
20 Push Ups
*1min rest
9min AMRAP
20 Wall Balls
20 AB mat sit ups
20 Push Ups
20 Box Jumps
20 AB mat sit ups
20 Push Ups
Wednesday 1 August
Can you believe it August team!? I’ve said this already in the last week, but again I am so pumped on your regular attendance, hard work and unbelievable progress! This Saturday Myself, Blake, Dirk, Nath DJ and Hine are all competing at the Waitakere CrossFit comp. Please come along and support us! The more of you to scream at us the better. The address is 6 View Road Henderson. Here is the first WOD of the comp (It’s a Hero WOD):
’JEREMY’ 21 – 15 – 9 Overhead (45/30kg) squats and burpees. INT will be doing 30/20kg and BEG will do Front squats at 30/20kg
RX – Wykie, Blake and Hine INT – Dirk and Nath DJ
Todays Workout:
Gymnastics skill: Pistol squat
21 – 15 – 9
Overhead (45/30kg) squats
INT will be doing 30/20kg overhead squats
BEG will do Front squats at 30/20kg