Saturday 26 January


Saturday challenge

200m Sled push for time (60/40kg)







Friday 25 February


 Squat Snatch

1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1


Weighted Pull Up

1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1



 7min AMRAP

 200m run

Max double unders

Thursday 24 January


Tell us about your sports and fitness background?

I didn’t really play any sports at school until I was 14. Then I started playing rugby, cricket and a bit of social hockey. Nothing serious.


What’s your profession?

Warehouse manager for a website. Hopefully join police this year.


How did you get involved in CrossFit?

Got told by a friend to come along before it was opened as a gym and loved it so started as soon as it opened.


Do you remember what your first WOD was?

Not sure. Something that would probably look easy now but was NOT at the time.


When did you start coming to AndFit?

When it opened in late 2011.


What is your favorite WOD/Movement(s)? Least favorite?

Favorite: Snatch, Double unders Least: Front squats, Thrusters


What are your short term and long term goals of CrossFit?

Short Term: Do all the workouts in the open this year RX.

Long term: Snatch 100kg haha


What is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit so far?

Little things like: my first ring dip, muscle up, HSPU. All these movements looked impossible a year ago and now I can do them.


What is something that we don’t know about you?  (Interesting fact, accomplishment you are proud of, obscure/unique talent, funny story, etc.)

I pretty much have to go to the toilet every time before a WOD. I don’t know if it’s the nerves or what.


Any advice for people just getting started?

Do your best. DONT COMPARE. Work hard. Celebrate the small things you achieve. Beat your last Fran time.








Push Press


5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5


*Goal is to find a 5RM

*Use your 5RM Strict press from the 16th of Jan as a guide for a starting weight.






KB Snatch & Jumping lunges

WOD together Wednesday 23 January



2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2



 WOD together Wednesday

 In teams of 2, 15 MIN AMRAP, one partner works at a time:

150 double unders
100 kettlebell swings 53/35
75 wall balls
50 abmat situps
25 burpees 

Benchmark Tuesday – 22 January

CrossFit for Kenya

AndFit will be more than a gym.

 This is us AndFit! Such an easy way to make a difference. I’d love for every single one of you to create an account and let you friends know that you are doing a workout for Kenya by sharing the link to your profile on Facebook. They have made it so easy for people to sponsor you – super user friendly. My goal is to raise $300, and i’d be so pumped if together we can hit the $3000 mark.



Sumo Deadlift

3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3

*Rest exactly 60 seconds between sets. Needs to be 5 heavy working sets.


Benchmark Tuesday


30 rounds, 30 minutes:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats


*If you fail to complete a round within the given minute you don’t get to count that round and you are forced to sit out and rest the following minute.

Main Site Monday. 21 January

Tell us about your sports and fitness background?
Use to play soccer and was really into BMXing and use to go to the gym 4-5 times a week before crossfit
What’s your profession?
I’m a landscaper

How did you get involved in CrossFit?

Dirk and Nathan kept on telling me about this CrossFit thing,  so a few months later i had to check it out for myself. 

Do you remember what your first WOD was? 
I cant remember what my first wod was but i remember it had running and pull ups involved. I got absolutely owned because i did not know about pacing myself through WODs.
When did you start coming to AndFit?
Started coming to CrossFit mid July 2012
What is your favorite WOD/Movement(s)? Least favorite?
Favorite wod so far is properly Diane , Favorite movements would have to be Muscle ups and Hand Stand Push Ups, Least favorite would be Thrusters 
What are your short term and long term goals of CrossFit?
Short Term: To get my gymnastic moments down properly and control my core strength a lot more.
Long term: To enter some competitions and be able to do all the Wod’s RX
What is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit so far?
That would have to be just after Christmas getting a Muscle up into a ring handstandpush up, still needs a little work keeping my core tight during the movement but super stoked i managed to get it. (*Note from Coach – this is freakish, get Bryn to show you it next time you see him in the box)
What is something that we don’t know about you?  (Interesting fact, accomplishment you are proud of, obscure/unique talent, funny story, etc.)
Not many people know but was sponsored for BMXing. (This explains why the crazy cat can do gymnastics movements most of us are way to scared to try).
Any advice for people just getting started?
My advice would be to stick at it, its flippen hard and the beginning and to concentrate on getting the technique of the movements down properly before putting massive weights on.


Main site Monday

Complete five rounds of:
On the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps
15 Ring Push-ups
Move SLOWLY and methodically attempting perfect execution. Ideally this is done with two pairs of rings – one pair hung app. 8′ off the ground and the second 4″ off the ground.



3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3

Clean and Jerk

*Needs to be 5 heavy working sets with the option of hitting a 3RM

*Use your 5RM Clean from the 9th Jan as guide for starting weight.

Saturday 19 January



Only do Angie today if you missed it last Tuesday. 


For time:

100 Pull ups

100 Push ups

100 Sit ups

100 Squats



20min AMRAP

400m run

Max pull ups

*Score equals total pull ups

Friday 18 January

Grab your AndFit T-shirt or singlet next time you are in. $35 using PushPay or bring in cash, you can also transfer the money over before you come in.


Find 5RM Front Squat



5 Rounds, 2min rest between:

21 KB Alternating Snatches

15 KB Alternating Swings

9 KB Underlegs to hold

RX – 24/16

INT – 20/12 with high pulls instead of snatch if needed

BEG – 12/8 with high pulls instead of snatch if needed

Thursday 17 January

Bridget is my hero! One of the original bootcampers and has never taken a break from the gym. She has come in consistently 3-4 times a week for the last 2 years. I dont even know where to start with the changes she’s made to her strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness and all over health. A true CrossFitter!

Tell us about your sports and fitness background?

I’m scratching my head trying to think of anything significant. I was mad on gymnastics at age ten after watching Nadia Comaneci win multiple golds at the Olympics. Our rotary washing line which substituted as my parallel bars was never the same again apparently. I eventually managed the splits and forward and backward walkovers before acknowledging I was probably never going to get to the Olympics myself.  My twenties was probably the time I exercised the most. I was that person in a leotard at a Step Class in the 90’s. But it was in New York City - so hopefully that makes it sound a bit cooler!

 What’s your profession?

I’m a Nurse Specialist at the Outpatient Liver Unit at Auckland Hospital. I support and monitor people who are undergoing treatment for hepatitis B and C. I also run the fibroscan (an ultrasound which measures liver stiffness to assess the degree of liver fibrosis) service for the Auckland Region.

 How did you get involved in CrossFit?

Well it was really through Boot Camp. My niece Natalie was going and she looked fantastic so I invited myself along. Boot Camp was under Wykies direction but when he left it just wasn’t the same. Involvement in CrossFit was a result of following Wykie to his new venture.

Do you remember what your first WOD was?

Not really but I’m sure it would have involved running and squats and sit ups. I remember not feeling too bad the following day but it wasn’t to last…..

When did you start coming to AndFit?

From day one – I am one of the originals

What is your favorite WOD/Movement(s)? Least favorite? 

I hate them all but love it at the same time too.

What are your short term and long term goals of CrossFit?

Short Term: To do a kipping pull up which will probably need to turn into a long term goal but I have determination.

Long term: To maintain my fitness and good health.


What is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit so far? 

Stringing double unders together –it’s only taken me one year! Another great consequence is the improvement to my blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


What is something that we don’t know about you?  (Interesting fact, accomplishment you are proud of, obscure/unique talent, funny story, etc.)

I’ve drunk coffee every day since the age of three.

Any advice for people just getting started? 

Try everything. Don’t pick and chose your work outs – turn up for it all.



Hang Snatch

5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5

*Should be 5 heavy working sets.



21 – 15 – 9


Power Clean

RX – 50/35kg

INT – 40/25

BEG – 25/15