Tuesday 26 June

Greg - Kettlebell Thrusters



21 – 15 – 9


Ring dip

Push up

Monday 24 June

This Saturday is our Warehouse Wods. Its our first ever competition, and we’d love for you all to be involved! The workouts are really not that scary, and you can all compete. You’ll see a big white board at the entrance of the CAGE this week, put your name on there if you are keen to compete. If you are not sure what category to enter, see the amazing video below or visit the warehouse wods page to get a breakdown of the workouts. Or ask your coach what category to enter. If you really don’t want to compete that is totally fine. We need hands to make the day run smooth. If you can be a judge or help with the set up and pack down on the day that would be awesome! Let me know if you want to be involved.

The AndFit Pigs…


“Mini Strange”

4 rounds for time:

400m run

11 weighted pull ups 24/12kg

11 walking lunges carrying 24/12kg kettle bells

11 Thrusters with 24/12kg Kettlebells

Saturday 23rd June

Great to have Blake join the andfit family! He's also the man that will be starting our shower instalation next week! The man


5 rounds for time, resting 3min between each round:

20 Pull ups

30 push ups

40 sit ups

50 squats

Friday 22nd June


Great to have Anya back in Auckland!!!


Turkish get up

15min to find your 1RM


7min AMRAP

7 burpees

7 Wall balls

* Rounds must be done unbroken to count – make sure you hit that line on the wall ball!

Compare to 17 April 2012

CrossFit in Africa: more than fitness…

I love being part of CrossFit. Have a look at the below video on the great work CrossFit is planning to do in Kenya. More videos to come on this, but pritty cool to be a part of it.


Thursday 21 June



Three rounds of:
Power snatch (35/20kg)
Box jump, 24″ box
Thruster (35/20kg)
Chest to bar Pull-ups

“Hope” has the same format as Fight Gone Bad. In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of “rotate,” the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep\

Wednesday 20 June

You'll see these guys in a little video soon



10min Cap


Run 500m
In remaining time climb the following ladder of jumping pull ups and wall balls:
3 Jumping pull ups, 3 Wall Balls
6 Jumping pull ups, 6 Wall Balls
9 Jumping pull ups, 9 Wall Balls…. and so on untill the 10min cap is reached.

*Athletes will be set up so that the pull up bar is at mid forearm hight when the arms are extended overhead.


Run 1km
In remaining time climb the following ladder of pull ups and Clean and jerks:
3 Jumping pull ups, 3 Clean and jerks (50/30kg)
6 Jumping pull ups, 6 Clean and jerks
9 Jumping pull ups, 9 Clean and jerks…. and so on untill the 10min cap is reached.

*Pull ups can be done unassited or with a band (there will be 2 band thickness options) Those who can perform unassisted pull ups will be scored higher than those using bands. Similarly those using the small band will be scored higher that those using the medium band.


Run 1km
In remaining time climb the following ladder of pull ups and Clean and jerks:
3 Jumping pull ups, 3 Clean and jerks (70/40kg)
6 Jumping pull ups, 6 Clean and jerks
9 Jumping pull ups, 9 Clean and jerks…. and so on untill the 10min cap is reached.

Tuesday 19 June


Todays workout:

5 rounds
1min DU practice
1min Plank


12mins on the Clock
1 Pull-up +1 Snatch , 2 Pull-ups + 2 Snatches, 3+3, 4+4 etc
Continue up the ladder as far as you can in 12mins – sets do not have to be unbroken and the weight on the Snatch should be relatively light.
This should be viewed as skill work


5 rounds
1 min Double Under practice
1 min Plank

Monday 18 June


3 muscle ups, every minute for 15 minutes.

If you are unable to do muscle ups, choose one of the progressions:

Ring dips, ring pull ups, knees to muscle up, jumping muscle up.


7min AMRAP

20 double unders
10 Deadlifts (100/60kg)
5 over the box burpees

Friday 15 June


Push Jerk and Split Jerk


3 Rounds for time of

50 Air squats

40 sit ups

30 Double unders

20 Wall balls

10 Burpees