Thursday 17 January

Bridget is my hero! One of the original bootcampers and has never taken a break from the gym. She has come in consistently 3-4 times a week for the last 2 years. I dont even know where to start with the changes she’s made to her strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness and all over health. A true CrossFitter!

Tell us about your sports and fitness background?

I’m scratching my head trying to think of anything significant. I was mad on gymnastics at age ten after watching Nadia Comaneci win multiple golds at the Olympics. Our rotary washing line which substituted as my parallel bars was never the same again apparently. I eventually managed the splits and forward and backward walkovers before acknowledging I was probably never going to get to the Olympics myself.  My twenties was probably the time I exercised the most. I was that person in a leotard at a Step Class in the 90’s. But it was in New York City - so hopefully that makes it sound a bit cooler!

 What’s your profession?

I’m a Nurse Specialist at the Outpatient Liver Unit at Auckland Hospital. I support and monitor people who are undergoing treatment for hepatitis B and C. I also run the fibroscan (an ultrasound which measures liver stiffness to assess the degree of liver fibrosis) service for the Auckland Region.

 How did you get involved in CrossFit?

Well it was really through Boot Camp. My niece Natalie was going and she looked fantastic so I invited myself along. Boot Camp was under Wykies direction but when he left it just wasn’t the same. Involvement in CrossFit was a result of following Wykie to his new venture.

Do you remember what your first WOD was?

Not really but I’m sure it would have involved running and squats and sit ups. I remember not feeling too bad the following day but it wasn’t to last…..

When did you start coming to AndFit?

From day one – I am one of the originals

What is your favorite WOD/Movement(s)? Least favorite? 

I hate them all but love it at the same time too.

What are your short term and long term goals of CrossFit?

Short Term: To do a kipping pull up which will probably need to turn into a long term goal but I have determination.

Long term: To maintain my fitness and good health.


What is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit so far? 

Stringing double unders together –it’s only taken me one year! Another great consequence is the improvement to my blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


What is something that we don’t know about you?  (Interesting fact, accomplishment you are proud of, obscure/unique talent, funny story, etc.)

I’ve drunk coffee every day since the age of three.

Any advice for people just getting started? 

Try everything. Don’t pick and chose your work outs – turn up for it all.



Hang Snatch

5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5

*Should be 5 heavy working sets.



21 – 15 – 9


Power Clean

RX – 50/35kg

INT – 40/25

BEG – 25/15

Wednesday 16 January

CrossFit is a sport. Like any sport, there is always a risk of injury or niggles. The way to deal with these is not to stay away from the gym for weeks hoping it will get better and in the process decrease your fitness. No if you have a niggle or injury let the coaches know and they can modify the workouts for you and give you some valuable mobility work to do in order to improve the affected area. This is a great time to work on other areas of your fitness! Do some gymnastics and core strengthening excercises, L-sits and hollow rocks. Mobilize for goodness sake, just don’t stay away! At the same time, don’t ignore niggles continuing doing movements that aggravate it but instead address it through physio and mobility work. We send all our athletes to Sportslab (sports specific bio-mechanics and rehab), these guys are the best in the business. They are located at 19 Auburn Street, Grafton just down the road.

Anya is a great example of someone that is dealing with a really frustrating injury, yet she is in the gym everyday getting creative and finding ways to work around the injury while improving it through physio, rest and mobility work.



5RM Press



In teams of 3

30min AMRAP

30 Wall Balls

30 Push Ups

30 Swings (32/20kg)

*One person working at a time, switch every 10 reps.

Tuesday 15 January

Saturday Beach WOD. Was a magical morning!



5 Rounds for time with a 3 min rest between rounds:

20 Pull Ups

30 Push Ups

40 Sit ups

50 Squats


Monday 14th January

Tell us about your sports and fitness background?
Played rugby for over 20 years. Completed around 4 1/2 marathons. Did triathlon including half Ironman.
What’s your profession?
Construction Project Manager.

How did you get involved in CrossFit?

Coach Wykie showed me all these crazy videos on youtube and told me to come try it.
Do you remember what your first WOD was?
Really basic intro WOD – 5 Rounds for time of: 5 Pressups, 10 situps, 15 air squats. Thought I was going to die.
When did you start coming to AndFit?
October 2011 – founding member
What is your favorite WOD/Movement(s)? Least favorite?
Favorite - Clean, jerk.
Least – Squat
What are your short term and long term goals of CrossFit?
Do all the CrossFit Games Open WODs this year and continue to better my body composition.
What is your biggest accomplishment in CrossFit so far?
Increase in fitness and strength. Competing in my first competition (Rapid CrossFit west intermediate division) and getting a bar muscle up. 
What is something that we don’t know about you?  (Interesting fact, accomplishment you are proud of, obscure/unique talent, funny story, etc.)
I was on the Rock FM tv commercial when the guy (me) is sitting on a couch with a girl and does the classic stretch move and instead of making a move on the girl changes the radio station.
 Any advice for people just getting started? 
Give it all you have but don’t be disheartened if those around you lift more, run faster or finish sooner, you’ll get there too.
Find 5RM Deadlift
3 x 5min AMRAP. 3min rest in between sets.
5 Thrusters
RX – 42.5/30kg
INT – 35/20kg
Beg – 25/12.5kg

Saturday 12 January

Today we’re at St Helliers bay for a beach workout! Come and join us at 8am. Bring the kids, dogs and neighbours! Look out for the red dumbbells on the beach, and the AndFit car should be on the street as well. The workout will be finished by 9am and we’ll go for breakfast and coffee at the local cafe. Bring a towel and a change of clothes as we’ll be on the sand and in the shallow water! Weather should be amazing. Looking forward to a great Saturday morning with you all!!!!


For time

30m broad jump x2

400m run

200m run backwards

30 Dumbbell thrusters

400m run

200m run backwards

30 burpees

Friday 11 January


Cath and Sandy pushing a 120kg sled


Find 5RM Push Press



500n Double unders for time

Do 10 burpees every 50 double unders.

- Int: 200 or 300 double unders (do 10 burpees every 20 or 30 double unders)

- Beg: 500n Singeles (10 burpees every 50 singles)

Thursday 10 January

Kirsty is one of our newer members. She’s already fallen in love with CrossFit and wants to take it into her school where she teaches. She’s doing her CrossFit level one certification at the end of the month and is flying to Brisbane with us next month to do he CrossFit Kids certification – legend! Here is a bit more about Kirsty:
Sports and fitness background: Competitive swimmer for 11 years and water polo player for 8 years. 
Profession: Primary Teacher
How I got involved with cross fit: Was bored of the gym and unmotivated to go – was recommended cross fit by Blake who convinced me to come along.
First WOD: Can’t remember, just remember wanting to throw up.
First started coming: Approx September 2012
Favorite movement: Deadlift  Least favorite: clean & jerk
Short term: finish my level 1 and cross fit kids course. Train at least 4 times a week.
Long term: get back to the fitness level I had when swimming and the muscle tone. One day compete in a competition.
Biggest accomplishment: Mastering a deadlift, when I first started I was too unco no it’s one of my favorite movements.
Something about me: I trailed for the NZ water polo u16 and u18 teams. 
Advice: even though you may feel like dying during a WOD they are short enough to get through and 5 minutes after you’re finished when you have your breath back is an awesome feeling.

Find 5 rm o/h squat



Pair vs pair 12min AMRAP


Sled push

*pair 1 max rounds of cindy

*pair 2 40m sled push (100/60kg)

Wednesday 9 January

The boys getting creative during the holidays.

So good to see everyone back in the cage again, and those who are back next week we cant wait to have you back!

Now as we’re sure you’ve realized, we cover a massive variety of movements in CrossFit – its constantly varied. To get regular exposure to the large amount of  movements we cover you really need to get in the cage a minimum of 3 times per week. To get the most out of the program and to hit all three of our key areas – metabolic conditioning, gymnastics and weight lifting you should be coming in 4-5 times per week. We know this seems like a lot of sessions but hey we want to make fitness part of our lifestyle don’t we? And we can assure you that the sessions are well planned and programmed so that you don’t hit the same movements back to back or over train. If you want to know more about how we program and what our structure looks like please talk to Coach. 

The reason we don’t do tiered memberships but instead allow all members unlimited access to classes is so that you can get in here 3-5 times a week – the way the CrossFit program is intended to work.

Make it a goal this year to get in the cage no less than 3 times a week and watch what happens!



Find 5rm Squat clean (tap n go)



5 rounds for time

7 High Hang Squat Snatches 75/45

9 Box Jumps

Tuesday 8 January

We’ll be doing a benchmark (the girls) WOD every Tuesday this year guys. They will also come up on Saturdays so that you get the opportunity to do each of the benchmarks 3 times a year. Check out the cool ‘Girls’ wall next time you are in the gym.
Find 5Rm bench press
100 pull ups, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats