Saturday 22 December

Coach will be doing this on the beach in the Gold Coach today (will post my photo), but you guys can do in the concrete jungle. Miss you already, work hard before your Christmas break! 



For time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards


After Griff do 15-20min of work on goats or mobility.

Friday 21 December

Rose between 2 thorns.


For time:
20 Wall ball shots
20 Sit-ups
20 Box jump
20 Push-ups
20 Clean (60/40kg)
20 Double-unders
20 Thrusters, 15/7.5kg dumbbells
20 Pull-ups
20 Overhead squat (42.5/30kg)
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
20 Push press (42.5/30kg)
20 Dips
20 Sumo deadlift high pull (42.5/30kg)
20 Burpees
20 Back squat (60/40kg)
20 GHD sit-ups
20 Walking lunge steps
20 Deadlift (60/40kg)
20 Knees to elbows
20 Front squat (60/40kg)

Thursday 20 December

Harley 55kg Turkish get up


Clean + Jerk 1RM




3 Power Clean (70,47.5kg)

3 Hang Squat Clean

3 Squat Clean

Wednesday 19 December

We’re a family at andfit, a community that support each other. There has been a fair amount of andfit babies brought into the world as of late. If you want to come for a workout but not sure what to do with bubs, bring the little one along! We’ve got a playpen now. I’ve put some toys in there too  





*You can choose which side you want to lift with to achieve your 1RM attempt.



Death by pull ups

With a running clock and starting with a single pull up, perform one more pull up every minute untill you can no longer fit the given amount of pull ups in to the minute. Your score is the completed round number plus the reps in the unfinished round.

Tuesday 18 December


EMOTM for 10 minutes

5 DB Snatch per arm (choose appropriate weight for heavy set of 5)



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
70/45kg Deadlift, 15 reps
15 Deficit push-ups, hands on 10kg plates
15 Box jumps

Monday 17 December


1 RM Thruster



In pairs do as many thrusters as possible in 20min.

Team mate 1 does thrusters while team mate 2 runs 400m.

The bar is to stay off the ground untill your partner is back from the run or the set does not count.

Mens weight – 30kg. Ladies weight – 20kg

- WOD compliments from CF Mt Eden


Saturday 15 December

We’re at Orakei Domain today for a beach WOD! There will be no open gym at the box but come out and enjoy the sun! Bring friends and family along to experience a bit of CrossFit with you. See you all at 8am!


‘Beach gone bad’ + a little surprise

Three rounds of:
Med ball clean
KB Sumo deadlift high-pull
Jumping lunges
Push up (hand release)
Shuttle run

*One minute rest in between sets

Friday 14 December

George decided to do some kind of dance move halfway up the rope


20min AMRAP

5 DB Manmakers

10 C2B Pull ups

400m run

Thursday 13 December


rope climb



Bench press




21 – 15 – 9

Push ups

Box jumps

1 rope climb after each round