Monday 10 December
Some moments from filthy fifty on Thursday. Guys please jump on our facebook page and let us know which session times suite you best over the holiday period by taking part in the questionnaire.
WOD (main site Monday)
Five rounds for time of:
Deadlift, 7 reps (125/80kg)
30 Squats
7 Handstand push-ups
50 hollow rocks
2min in bottom of squat
Friday 7 December
Kieran joined the muscle up club on Wednesday! The best thing you can do for your muscle up guys is strengthen you false grip! Spend 5 minutes before or after each class hanging of the rings or pull up bars in the false grip.
Power Clean
3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3
5 rounds for time
10 Cleans @ 75% body weight
10 burpee pull ups
1 hill run
Tuesday 4 December
Well done to Aidan for completing THE GOAT (alpine half marathon). Aidan did this mainly on CrossFit training and a couple of longer runs. A great testament of CrossFit’s ability to increase you’re capacity to go long. Shot brother!
Workout of the day:
1RM Snatch
- The whole session will be based around the snatch today. We’ll run through the Junkyard dog and burgner warm ups. We’ll then look at set up, stance, grip and the 3 main positions that make up the snatch. We’ll spend the last 20min of the session finding our 1RM snatch.
A snatch videos to get you prepared and motivated.
Monday 3 December
Doing the common, uncommonly well
This past weekend I had the amazing privileged to spend 2 full says under the instruction of Coach Mike Burgner - Senior International Weightlifting Coach for the United States. Every time I do a course run by an expert in the field like coach B, I come away thinking – that was so so simple but so so powerful! We did not lift a single barbell all weekend but we drilled the basics over and over and over again only using pvc pipes. The reality is we need to do the common, uncommonly well in order to be successful in CrossFit. Yes you might be able to muscle that weight up with questionable technique but you’re potential will no doubt be limited by you’re insufficient and unpracticed technique. Lets keep a long term view of our fitness. Lets drop the weights and drill the basics over and over again. Lets move our muscles through perfect form so many times that they wont know to move any other way! Then, lets start adding some weight and see ourselves become successful lifters, gymnasts and metabolic freaks!
a)Front squat
5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
b) Short sprint Chipper
20 burpees
30 box jumps
40 wall balls
50 double unders
Saturday 1 December
Carrie achieved a long standing goal of deadlifting a 100kg on Thursday! So pumped for you, well done!
20min AMRAP
10 Pull up buy in for each round.
Max effort Clean + Jerk (60/40kg) *No letting go of the bar
400m run
Score = Total Clean + Jerks