Thursday 10 January
Kirsty is one of our newer members. She’s already fallen in love with CrossFit and wants to take it into her school where she teaches. She’s doing her CrossFit level one certification at the end of the month and is flying to Brisbane with us next month to do he CrossFit Kids certification – legend! Here is a bit more about Kirsty:
Sports and fitness background: Competitive swimmer for 11 years and water polo player for 8 years.
Profession: Primary Teacher
How I got involved with cross fit: Was bored of the gym and unmotivated to go – was recommended cross fit by Blake who convinced me to come along.
First WOD: Can’t remember, just remember wanting to throw up.
First started coming: Approx September 2012
Favorite movement: Deadlift Least favorite: clean & jerk
Short term: finish my level 1 and cross fit kids course. Train at least 4 times a week.
Long term: get back to the fitness level I had when swimming and the muscle tone. One day compete in a competition.
Biggest accomplishment: Mastering a deadlift, when I first started I was too unco no it’s one of my favorite movements.
Something about me: I trailed for the NZ water polo u16 and u18 teams.
Advice: even though you may feel like dying during a WOD they are short enough to get through and 5 minutes after you’re finished when you have your breath back is an awesome feeling.
Find 5 rm o/h squat
Pair vs pair 12min AMRAP
Sled push
*pair 1 max rounds of cindy
*pair 2 40m sled push (100/60kg)